Underpinning our domains, our three fundamental enablers will support our ambitions to deliver on UQ’s core purpose.
Our global profile
Strengthen the University’s global impact through our network of premier international partnerships to build scale and impact across both research and education
Broaden the scope and impact of our partnerships with The University of Exeter and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Establish targeted offshore offerings in order to expand our reach and diversify our international student cohort
Expand our ΢Åĸ£ÀûCollege pathway offerings and global scholarship programs to provide access to a ΢Åĸ£Àûeducation for a diverse range of high-achieving international students
Deliver a suite of innovative student mobility programs,Ìýincluding virtual experiences and global classrooms, to develop global perspectives and enhance graduate outcomes
2032 measures of success
Deliver on our premier partnerships by growing co-publications, joint PhDs, collaborative teaching efforts and externally-funded research
Recruit at least 10 per cent of our international students from each of our top 5 source countries
15 per cent of UQ’s international students will study offshore
Leading university in Australia for development impact in the Indo-Pacific
Our people
Nurture a supportive and inclusive culture that aligns with the University’s values, celebrates diversity and drives excellence
Develop the leadership capabilities of our staff in order to empower decision-making and support innovation
Invest in our staff through development opportunities and provide meaningful feedback to support their career aspirations and recognise the diverse ways in which they demonstrate excellence
Develop and strengthen career pathways and roles that support our strategic priorities in digital education, industry engagement, and research translation
Deliver alumni engagement programs that build affinity, connection and partnership to extend the value of the ΢Åĸ£Àûexperience and strengthen our community
2032 measures of success
80 per cent of staff will be willing to recommend ΢Åĸ£Àûas a great place to work
85 per cent of staff will agree that ΢Åĸ£Àûdemonstrates a genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion
50 per cent of senior positions will be held by women
The proportion of staff identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander will reflect the representation of people identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in Queensland
1 in 3 alumni will actively engage with the University each year
Securing our future
Diversify and increase our revenue base by increasing domestic postgraduate enrolments, recruiting students from a broader range of international markets and attracting greater investment in translating our research
Invest in capital infrastructure and digital capabilities to enhance our vibrant and sustainable campuses, and meet growing expectations for digital engagement, online delivery and improved efficiency
Accelerate and grow innovation precincts that support collaboration with industry, community and government, and enable shared access to state-of-the-art research facilities
Streamline our operations by reducing duplication and ensuring the effectiveness of our governance structures and approval processes
Attract philanthropic investment to support our commitment to delivering greater access to education and research impact, with a focus on building an endowment fund
2032 measures of success
Achieve an annual EBITDA of 10 per cent and ensure annual revenue exceeds expenditure
Grow our endowment fund to $1.2 billion
Recognised as a beyond carbon neutral university