Queensland scientists will play a key role in a new Australian research centre working to increase major food crop yields. University of Queensland researchers will form the Queensland node of the $22 million Australian Research Council Centre of...
24 October 2014A leading environmental researcher from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will offer an insight into mineral wealth in Congo during a visit to ΢Åĸ£Àû next week.
28 August 2014An international team of theoretical quantum physicists is working on a way of absorbing light and storing it as energy.
22 August 2014΢Åĸ£Àû’s Centre for Coal Seam Gas (CCSG) has attracted $3.25 million in funding to further its research capabilities.
15 August 2014A team of University of Queensland researchers has found a way to save water providers hundreds of millions of dollars a year by reducing sewer corrosion.
14 August 2014΢Åĸ£Àû and First Solar have begun construction on a 3.275 megawatt solar photovoltaic research facility at UQ’s Gatton campus.
6 August 2014New research from ΢Åĸ£Àû has helped find practical solutions to gender-based violence issues stemming from Mongolia’s mining boom.
16 June 2014Professor John Foster, Director of ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Energy Economics and Management Group, is available to comment on electricity changes.
3 June 2014A lifelong commitment to sustainable mining has brought recognition for a highly accomplished and long-serving University of Queensland academic, Emeritus Professor Clive L. Bell.
23 May 2014Researchers at ΢Åĸ£Àû (UQ), the Harvard Kennedy School, and Clark University have uncovered that conflict with communities is costing mining companies billions of dollars.
13 May 2014Researchers from ΢Åĸ£Àû are looking at an untapped vein of metals, potentially worth $2 billion a year, but it won’t be found in a mine.
28 March 2014΢Åĸ£Àû (UQ) is moving to ensure the results of its research are widely available.
7 February 2014Most of the Earth’s remaining fossil fuels must be left in the ground to avoid disastrous consequences for today’s young people and for future generations, according to research published today.
4 December 2013Australia’s power system needs a combination of a carbon price supported by direct action incentives aimed at businesses if it is to withstand future supply and price shocks.
21 November 2013Fair negotiation of landowner compensation for coal seam gas extraction is one of the much-needed projects at the heart of Queensland’s new mining law research centre, to be officially launched tonight.
7 November 2013