An Indian student who grew up in a slum in Delhi will have access to an international education thanks to ΢Åĸ£Àû’s partnership with Asha – an Indian non-profit organisation which improves the lives of slum dwellers.
21 April 2021Nearly $2.1 million in funding will go towards helping more than 500 University of Queensland undergraduate students study overseas and realise their ambitions.
18 October 2019΢Åĸ£Àû has partnered with Papua New Guinea's largest technological institution to support sustainable development outcomes across the country’s resources sector.
2 August 2019University of Queensland researchers will explore how the ingenuity and expertise of Australian architects contributes to improving the quality of life among Chinese citizens.
10 July 2019Attempts to redevelop informal settlements with apartment buildings could cause more harm than good in developing regions, according to a University of Queensland PhD architecture student.
8 July 2019Former Colombian guerrillas who are in the process of reintegration into society as whitewater rafting guides will appear at two free events held at ΢Åĸ£Àû this week.
20 May 2019Australia’s world-leading expertise in small-scale mining is being showcased to 30 emerging leaders from the African mining sector as they visit the Gladstone and Emerald regions in Central Queensland.
26 February 2019A partnership between ΢Åĸ£Àû and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) will pave the way for students and academics to address issues affecting India, Australia and global communities.
24 September 2018World-leading irrigation practices in the Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley are being showcased to 31 emerging leaders in agriculture from across Africa
14 August 2018University of Queensland Chancellor Mr Peter Varghese has called for education to be a ‘flagship sector’ as Australia seeks to lift trade and investment ties with India.
17 July 2018Student entrepreneurs from ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Idea Hub are taking on Tel Aviv’s world-leading start-up scene in the exclusive ΢Åĸ£ÀûStartup Adventures.
21 December 2017Skyrocketing prices for rare animal products can push species to extinction even when their populations are abundant, researchers say.
5 December 2017The Australian Government has awarded scholarships to three University of Queensland students as part of its New Colombo Plan (NCP) 2018 round.
29 November 2017An international team of mental health experts, including two University of Queensland researchers, has developed a framework to help children recover from trauma, with the support of The Prince of Wales.
25 October 2017΢Åĸ£Àû’s Professor André Drenth will be one of the first scientists to participate in a new Indonesian Government program that aims to strengthen Indonesia’s global research collaborations and boost food security.
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