
Stock image - International Space Station

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are conducting experiments with an antimicrobial surface coating designed to fight the spread of bacteria and viruses.

16 February 2021
A gloved hand holds a petri dish with the CBD molecular structure drawn on the lid.

Synthetic cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnaires disease.

20 January 2021
Rebecca Gavin and Bec Dunne and flanked by ACCCE staff.

Two University of Queensland students have joined forces with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to contribute to the prevention of child sexual exploitation.

21 December 2020
Dr Joel Carpenter and Dr Mickael Mounaix

Optics researchers from ΢Åĸ£Àû and Nokia Bell Labs in the US have developed a new technique to demonstrate the time reversal of optical waves, which could transform the fields of advanced biomedical imaging and...

14 December 2020
From left: SQRH Interprofessional Practice Co-ordinator Toni Murray, administration officer Jane White, Bidjara Elder Keelen Mailman and SQRH Director Associate Professor Geoff Argus  in the outdoor education area and yarning circle. SQRH image.

A new training centre nearly 700km west of Brisbane, designed to boost nursing, midwifery and allied health skills in some of Queensland’s most remote areas, officially opened in Charleville today.

19 November 2020
Med students practicing intubating with a dummy on a stretcher. She is bent over the head, while another woman watches

An Australian-first university and hospital partnership is set to train up to 40 doctors in regional Queensland each year.

13 November 2020

Locally made coronavirus proteins produced in a state-of-the-art laboratory in Brisbane are proving highly useful in a sophisticated blood test for COVID-19.

9 November 2020
graphic depicting the structure of an inflammasome

A startup company developing treatments for inflammatory diseases based on a research partnership between ΢Åĸ£Àû and Trinity College Dublin has been acquired in a landmark deal – one of the largest in Australian and Irish...

22 September 2020
The work will take an evidence-informed approach to training police

University of Queensland psychology experts will work with police to develop and upgrade training programs for police investigating child abuse.

10 September 2020
Professor Heiss says the jacaranda motif makes the lanyards perfect for the ΢Åĸ£Àûcommunity

Prolific author Professor Anita Heiss has promoted Indigenous language and literacy in many and diverse ways – but her latest venture is particularly novel.

1 September 2020
Kurin Organics cofounders Ian Ling and Kok Leong Chong

A startup building practical and ethical solutions to laundry detergents has taken out the top prize at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Accelerator Pitch Night Online.

24 August 2020

The unique flavour, texture and aroma of Australia’s famous Wagyu beef can now be marketed using a world-first flavour profile developed by ΢Åĸ£Àû in partnership with the Australian Agricultural Company (AACo).

9 August 2020

The development of eco-friendly pesticides urgently required to protect crops will be accelerated with funding from the Australian Research Council.

4 August 2020
International research backs the effectiveness of a ‘housing-first’ strategy

A partnership between public and not-for-profit agencies has adopted a proven strategy to permanently end homelessness for people sleeping rough in Brisbane.

21 July 2020
Professor Ranjeny Thomas

A potential new treatment for autoimmune disease Sjogren’s syndrome is a step closer to development, thanks to a partnership between ΢Åĸ£Àû and global biotechnology company CSL Limited.

20 July 2020