
UQ's new Laureate Fellows - Professor Alan Rowan, left, and Professor Paul Burn

΢Åĸ£Àû has received $24.5 million in the competitive Australian Research Council grants announced in Canberra today, securing a greater share of the pool than any other university.

6 May 2016
Road Runner rollercoaster, Warner Bros. Movie World

΢Åĸ£Àû’s Confucius Institute is collaborating with Village Roadshow Theme Parks (VRTP) to provide Chinese language and culture courses to theme park employees.

22 April 2016
Associate Professor Christa van Kraayenoord

Reading comprehension levels of children in the Bowen Basin have improved thanks to a University of Queensland-led project.

22 April 2016
The group of executives after the signing, in Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden.

Shanghai-based Baosteel Group will provide approximately $10 million in additional funds to continue the momentum of a successful research and development centre that combines the expertise of four Australian universities with the industrial...

29 March 2016
Sean Fisher, 21, is the face of the ABLE XSeries.

More than 100 international experts have contributed to a world-first online course designed to improve healthcare for people with intellectual disability.

21 March 2016

Clinical training for University of Queensland (UQ) medical and allied health students will be boosted with the opening of student training centres this week at the QEII Jubilee and Redland hospitals.

18 March 2016
An animated vascular system. Photo: iStock

Patients with heart failure, peripheral artery disease or stroke could benefit from a new stem-cell based treatment, following an agreement between ΢Åĸ£Àû and US-based start-up company AngioStem Inc.

16 March 2016
KIds get to challenge their critical thinking, problem-solving skills and creativity at Explorama.

A group of about 200 high-achieving students from years one to seven will attend day-long program of intellectually stimulating workshops at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s St Lucia Campus on 13 March.

3 March 2016
Volunteers planting trees on the Lockyer Creek banks

An army of volunteers will descend on ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Gatton campus on Friday 11 March to continue restoring the banks of Lockyer Creek.

1 March 2016
Pfizer’s CTI founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr Anthony Coyle this morning

΢Åĸ£Àû and global pharmaceutical company Pfizer have formed a partnership to advance drug discovery in Australia.

29 February 2016
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Dr Nasim Amiralian of AIBN.

Fibres from the Australian native spinifex grass are being used to improve latex that could be used to make condoms as thin as a human hair without any loss in strength.

10 February 2016
Marina Vitale of CIM Health, ΢Åĸ£Àûstudents Trent Seth and Antoine Desrosiers, and Tim Edwards of Teys Australia

How does a meat processing company reduce the number of injuries in its workforce by 70 per cent in just three years?

27 January 2016
A mahogany glider, a recent patient at UQ’s School of Veterinary Science

Experts are hoping to better protect Australian wildlife using increased data, with a one-year pilot project involving seven universities, including ΢Åĸ£Àû.

19 January 2016

΢Åĸ£Àû’s Confucius Institute and the Queensland Police Service, Far North District, have joined forces to develop a safety brochure for tourists travelling to North Queensland.

18 January 2016