
KIds get to challenge their critical thinking, problem-solving skills and creativity at Explorama.

A group of about 200 high-achieving students from years one to seven will attend day-long program of intellectually stimulating workshops at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s St Lucia Campus on 13 March.

3 March 2016

΢Åĸ£Àû welcomes almost 11,000 new students this week, with a range of Orientation Week activities at the St Lucia and Gatton campuses.

23 February 2016

Bigger will definitely be better for more than 3000 students who plant sunflowers on Tuesday (23 February) in the 2016 University of Queensland Sunflower competition.

18 February 2016
UQ's SafeZone app

΢Åĸ£Àû is harnessing mobile technology to improve student and staff safety.

15 February 2016
Thousands of new students received offers today to study at UQ

΢Åĸ£Àû has offered almost 10,000 new students a place for 2016, including 8000 who received the good news this morning.

14 January 2016
The SportsHub will provide 500 new casual parking spaces, undercover

Construction is racing ahead on St Lucia’s new SportsHub and 500-bay underground car park, adjacent to the ΢Åĸ£ÀûCentre.

7 December 2015
Artist's impression of the Forgan Smith refurbishment

Queensland judicial leaders tried their hands as graffiti artists at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s landmark Forgan Smith building this morning to mark the beginning of a new chapter in the building’s history.

27 November 2015
΢Åĸ£Àûbecomes home to a new Centre of Research Excellence focusing on the study of skin cancers, in collaboration with Cancer Council Queensland, QUT, QIMR and the University of Sydney.

The National Health and Medical Research Council has awarded a total of almost $54 million to 84 projects, fellowships and centres at ΢Åĸ£Àû.

9 November 2015
Abnormal Summit cast and the UQFC female soccer team after the match.

University of Queensland graduate Blair Williams has showcased his alma mater to an audience of more than 12 million after visiting the St Lucia campus in his new role as the host of a Korean TV show.

27 October 2015
Caption (back, from left): Professor Nicholas Fisk, Mr Stephen Bennett MP, Dr Vanessa Greig, Mr Keith Pitt MP, (front, from left) Councillor Mal Forman, Professor Peter Høj, Ms Leanne Donaldson MP, Mr John Story AO, Professor Darrell Crawford Associate Professor Riitta Partanen. Full titles in body of article.

΢Åĸ£Àû has opened medical training centres at Bundaberg and Hervey Bay to boost the stream of ‘home-grown’ doctors to rural communities.

22 October 2015
Healthy and happy: Police Dog Maui underwent the preventative surgery.

German shepherd PD Maui and his canine colleagues are lean, keen policing machines, thanks to important surgery at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s Gatton campus.

16 September 2015
Rosewood trees on the corner of Walcott Steet and Sir Fred Schonell Drive.

΢Åĸ£Àû St Lucia campus is known for its lakes, sandstone and lush greenery, but invasive species are lurking among the foliage.

24 August 2015
The study is testing  nutrients as mood-elevators, including tryptophan, folic acid, omega-3 and zinc.

Nutrients commonly found in spinach, elk, oysters and crab and the positive effects they may have on people with clinical depression are the focus of a world-first University of Queensland study.

7 August 2015
Left to right: Jimmy Jessup (Convenor), Nicki Murray (Video Director), Joy Qin, Henry Bretz, Will Baxter, Steele McMahon, Katie Wheatley, Henry Meehan, Izzy Belonogoff.

Failing an exam at ΢Åĸ£Àû is no laughing matter.

6 August 2015
΢Åĸ£ÀûChief Operating Officer Mr Maurie McNarn AO, Cr Julian Simmonds and ΢Åĸ£ÀûProperty and Facilities Director Mr Alan Egan

΢Åĸ£Àû’s new eastern entry walkway has officially opened, improving access for the thousands of people who will cross the new elevated platform each day.

4 August 2015