
James Hudson in the ΢Åĸ£ÀûAntiquities Museum with the 2400-year-old Egyptian mummy mask he voted for in the Treasures competition

A 2400-YEAR-OLD Egyptian mummy mask has brought good luck to an eight-year-old Brisbane boy, who is now the proud owner of a valuable contemporary artwork.

21 May 2010
Aubrey Clark

Aubrey Clark, a graduate of UQ's Economics Honours program, will begin a PhD in economics at Harvard University later this year.

21 May 2010

΢Åĸ£ÀûSchool of Pharmacy alumnus, Mr Bruce Elliot, has been named 2010 Young Professional of the Year.

19 May 2010

΢Åĸ£Àûalumna Lizzie Brown has been named as incoming CEO of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia.

6 May 2010
Yana Jones.
Photo: Marty Pouwelse Photography

One of ΢Åĸ£Àû’s first nursing graduates has been recognised for her work raising awareness of prevention and early detection of cancer by being named the Cancer Council Queensland’s Nurse of the Year.

4 May 2010
Kevin Melton

Kevin Melton’s day starts with a babywipe shower – a world away from life last year when he was completing a Master of International Studies at UQ

9 April 2010
Elizabeth Rosner. Photo: Julia McNeal

When ΢Åĸ£ÀûMaster of Literature graduate Elizabeth Rosner got the call to say her second novel would soon be re-released in paperback, she had two reasons to be hopeful.

8 April 2010
Frank Finn Scholarship winners (L-R) Jeremy Evans, Frank Finn, Jun Cai, Katie Wood

Three ΢Åĸ£ÀûBusiness School students have received a financial helping hand after being awarded the Frank Finn Scholarship.

6 April 2010

As the University celebrates its 100th birthday, the ΢Åĸ£ÀûStaff Club recently marked its own centenary milestone.

25 March 2010

University of Queensland medical alumnus Dr Ron Thomson has decided to say thank you for his education in a big way – with $10million bequest.

5 March 2010
Professor Doherty presents the 2005 Sir James Duhig Memorial Lecture at UQ

Nobel Award-winning scientist Professor Peter Doherty will be among successful ΢Åĸ£Àûalumni returning to the University in its Centenary year.

15 February 2010
Nick Earls

Celebrated Australian author Nick Earls’ debut young adult novel After January is now complete.

28 January 2010