Two University of Queensland lecturers and one teaching program have been named among the country’s best at the 2014 in Canberra last night.
Dr Janette McWilliam and Dr Susan Rowland won awards for Teaching Excellence, and the ΢Åĸ£ÀûBusiness School Master of Business Administration (MBA) program led by Professor Polly Parker won an award for Programs that Enhance Learning.
The awards, designed to recognise quality teaching practice and outstanding contributions to student learning, were announced by Senator the Hon Ryan Scott on behalf of the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education.
΢Åĸ£ÀûVice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj congratulated the winners on their dedication to enhancing the student experience.
“The number-one thing we do at ΢Åĸ£Àûis to support talented and dedicated people with initiative,” Professor Høj said.
“Our excellent teachers inspire our students to reach their full potential.
“Our alumni have benefited from the gift of knowledge from one or a number of teachers or supervisors, and our teachers have inspired many to share their gifts with others.
“We are proud of our excellent teachers and programs who have received these national awards.
“They will have an enduring impact on our students long after their graduation.”
΢Åĸ£ÀûDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Joanne Wright said great teachers were intrinsic to the ΢Åĸ£ÀûAdvantage.
“Janette, Susan and the MBA teaching team are excellent examples of UQ’s philosophy when it comes to teaching – ensuring students remain at the heart of what we do,” Professor Wright said.
Details of the winners:
has been recognised for her work in humanities and the arts. She teaches ancient history, classical civilisation and classical languages.
has been recognised for teaching in biological sciences, health and related studies. She teaches biochemistry and molecular biology at undergraduate and masters levels.
The , led by Professor Polly Parker (pictured second from right), won an award for Programs that Enhance Learning in the Postgraduate Education category. The ΢Åĸ£ÀûBusiness School MBA program is ranked as one of the leading MBAs worldwide and number one in the Asia Pacific region. The program equips graduates with sophisticated skills in leadership and knowledge across business disciplines. Team members are Professor Polly Parker, Professor Fiona Rohde, Associate Professor John Steen, Associate Professor Neil Paulsen and Dr Timothy Kastelle.
Media: Caroline Bird, ΢Åĸ£ÀûCommunications, 07 3365 1130,