Outstanding university teachers have been recognised at ΢Åĸ£Àû’s 2014 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning ceremony this week.
΢Åĸ£ÀûVice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said the awards celebrated the high quality of teaching at the University and honoured some of UQ’s most committed teachers.
“The number one thing we do at ΢Åĸ£Àûis enabling talented and dedicated people with initiative to become well-rounded and highly sought-after graduates who have the necessary leadership skills to succeed personally and professionally,” Professor Høj said.
“Our staff and teachers contribute to the exceptional reputation the University has developed in teaching and learning by developing curriculum enriched by world-class research and fostering a learning environment characterised by international collaboration and industry engagement.
“It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge such an inspirational group of educators and I thank them all for their dedication to enhancing the student experience at UQ.”
This year, the University acknowledged four individuals with , one commendation, three groups with , and one commendation.
Four teachers were also recognised with and there was one team commendation.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Joanne Wright said the award-winners were recognised for demonstrating sustained excellence in their teaching and making a positive impact in engaging students.
“If ΢Åĸ£Àûis to succeed in its ambition to be internationally renowned for high quality graduates, we must ensure our students remain at the heart of what we do,” Professor Wright said.
“With innovative approaches to student learning and the introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), ΢Åĸ£Àûteachers are delivering an engaging and rich environment for students, and reaching students all over the world.”
Special guest speaker Professor Frank Coton from the University of Glasgow gave his insights into the Scottish Higher Education system at the awards evening held at Customs House.
The awards are a highlight of UQ’s (3 November – 7 November), a program of events designed to celebrate the exceptionally high standard of teaching at UQ, for which the University is renowned.
Winners of the 2014 ΢Åĸ£ÀûAwards for Teaching Excellence:
Dr Jack Wang, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, citation
Dr Sally Butler, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, citation
Associate Professor Anthony Cassimatis, TC Beirne School of Law, citation
Dr Jason Tangen, School of Psychology, citation
Commendation for Teaching Excellence
Dr John Wright, School of Veterinary Science
Winners of the 2014 ΢Åĸ£ÀûAwards for Programs that Enhance Learning:
Program title: Tutors@΢Åĸ£ÀûProgram, citation
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Team members: Associate Professor Julie Duck, Dr Kelly Matthews
Program title: ΢Åĸ£ÀûSMART Program, citation
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
Team members: Dr Paul Dargusch, Adrian Ward (co-leader), Ammar Abdul Aziz (team member), Andrew Wilson (assistant)
Program title: Physiotherapy Standardised Patients Program, citation
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Team members: Dr Allison Mandrusiak, Rowena Toppenberg, Katrina Williams
Commendation for Programs that Enhance Learning
Jump Start Academic Preparation Program (project leader: Patricia Taggart), Student Services
Winners of the 2014 ΢Åĸ£ÀûCitations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Julie Ballantyne, School of Music
Dr Tim McIntyre, School of Mathematics and Physics
Dr Kelly Matthews, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Dr Phil Orchard, School of Political Science and International Studies
View the citations,
Commendation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Civil Engineering Technical Team (project leader: Fraser Reid), School of Civil Engineering
Media: Caroline Bird, ΢Åĸ£ÀûCommunications, 07 3365 1130 or c.bird1@uq.edu.au