
18 February 2013

More than 250 first-year students at ΢ĸ (UQ) Gatton got a head start on their studies this week by taking part in the Jump Start Academic Preparation Program (JSAPP) held during Orientation Week.

The program, now in its sixth year, is designed to help students with their transition into university, providing them with tips and tools on academic writing, study skills, learning styles, time management and support services.

2013 has seen the largest cohort of students complete the two-day program, giving them the skills and knowledge to get the most out of their education,along with the opportunity to forge new friendships and familiarise themselves with the campus.

΢ĸGatton Student Services Manager Julie McKenzie organises the program each year and was thrilled to have the program expand in attendance this year.

“The success rate for students who complete the JSAPP program is excellent. Ninety-five percent of students who participated in previous years passed their first semester and continued with their studies at UQ,” said Ms McKenzie.

“Our aim is to encourage all first-year students and students who are new to ΢ĸto participate in JSAPP to promote a positive student experience, resulting in a smooth transition to semester one and successful academic results to follow,” she said.

“There are many benefits to attending the JSAPP program. It allows students to familiarise themselves with the campus, meet key staff and have an opportunity to meet other students in their program before the first week of semester begins,” Ms McKenzie said.

This year, student volunteers from the Halls of Residence also got involved with the program by leading the students in fun and challenging social activities, designed to ‘break the ice’ and help them make connections and friendships in a supportive environment.

Drawing on their own experiences, they were able to offer advice on making the transition from high school to university and played an important role as mentors during the two-day program.

Semester one classes start on Monday 25 February.

For more information about Student Services and how they can assist you with your studies, visit

Media: Erin Pearl, ΢ĸGatton, (07) 5460 1229 or e.pearl@uq.edu.au