The (UQ) new Native Wildlife Teaching and Research Facility will provide a valuable research and training facility at UQ’s Gatton campus.
The Native Wildlife Teaching and Research Facility has been purpose-built for endangered native animals and currently houses Julia Creek dunnarts, Mahogany gliders and Bridled Nailtail wallabies.
Opened this month, the facility is supporting breeding and research programs to help save the endangered animals.
Associate Professor Peter Murray from the School of Animal Studies and who led the wildlife facility project, said the centre will also provide a teaching resource for students.
“This facility not only provides practical learning experience in caring for animals in captivity, but we are also able to embed a significant amount of research experience for students as well,” he said.
From next year students studying a Bachelor of Applied Science, majoring in Wildlife Science, will have the option to complete a Certificate IV in Captive Animals. To satisfy the requirements of this program all students will complete a minimum of 10 days practical experience within the facility.
“The facility will also provide an excellent resource to students studying other Science and Environmental Management programs at both the Gatton and St Lucia Campus,” Dr Murray said.
“Local businesses Schulte’s Meat Tavern and Plainland Woolworths have both very generously committed support to the facility by providing feed for the animals.”
The native animals at the facility were obtained from David Fleay Wildlife Park through a partnership with the Department of Environment and Resource Management and under licence from the Environmental Protection Agency.
For more information on UQ’s wildlife programs visit .
Media: Erin Pearl from ĸGatton (07 5460 1229,